Online Learning

Educational Resources for Use at Home and in the Classroom

The following educational activities and resources can be used by teachers and caregivers, in the classroom or at home, to keep kids and families healthy and active.

For more information on our online presentations and other offerings, please visit the site’s Our Services page.


Resources for Everyone

Explore at-home learning resources and activities for all grade levels.

Grades K-1

Explore at-home learning resources and activities for grades K-1.

Grades 2-3

Explore at-home learning resources and activities for grades 2-3.

Grades 4-5

Explore at-home learning resources and activities for grades 4-5.

Middle School

Explore at-home learning resources and activities for middle school students.

High School

Explore at-home learning resources and activities for high school students.

Online Classroom Presentations

Alameda County BikeMobile

The BikeMobile is like combining a bookmobile and a bicycle repair shop. The BikeMobile makes visits all around the county to repair bicycles for students and reinforce safe bicycling. The BikeMobile is currently available as a series of online classroom presentations!

Bike Rodeos

Bike rodeos are fun-filled courses that focus on introducing elementary and middle school students to safe bicycle handling skills and riding techniques on the road. Bike rodeos are available in virtual format, too!

Drive Your Bike 101

The Drive Your Bike program is ideal for PE teachers who want to provide intensive bike safety education and training to middle and high school students. Drive Your Bike is currently available as a series of virtual online classroom presentations!

The Drive Your Bike 102 program is ideal for STEM or PE teachers who want to provide intensive bike safety education and training to high school students combined with environmental science lessons, even as we learn online. Currently available as a series of online classroom presentations!

Music Notes

Music Notes performs age-appropriate concerts that teach walking and biking safety through hip-hop songs and videos. Concerts are currently available in a virtual format with a live Q&A over video conference!

Pedestrian Rodeos

A team of safety instructors conducts this engaging and fun-filled traffic simulation course to teach students safe pedestrian behaviors. Currently available as an online classroom presentation!

Pedestrian Safety Workshops

Pedestrian safety workshops are assembly-style presentations that teach students safe, lawful pedestrian behavior using our simulated city street course. Workshops are currently available as an online classroom presentation!

Go Green Classroom Curriculum

The “Go Green” classroom curriculum provides lessons to teach students about the benefits of using active or shared transportation. Ecology, recycling, leadership and other “green” lessons motivate students to choose active (walking or rolling) and shared (carpooling or taking transit) options to travel to school in an effort to protect the environment and increase physical activity. Teachers may use this curriculum, or our staff can present to your online classroom.

Rail Safety Virtual Presentations

Learning how to ACT Safely when traveling near railroad tracks is a skill for life at any age.

Travel Training

Our Travel Training program educates students on how to use active and shared transportation.