Alameda County Safe Routes to Schools

Bike to School Day was a Success!

We celebrated Bike to School Day on Thursday, May 16, with nearly 3,000 Alameda County parents, staff, and students choosing active modes — including scooters, skateboards, roller skates, walking, and yes, biking — to get to school! Registered schools received free resources to help encourage and celebrate safe and active travel. Learn more about the event by checking out our Bike to School Day webpage or reaching out to your site coordinator!

Evergreen Resources

Healthy Kids, Safer Streets, Strong Communities

The Alameda County Safe Routes to Schools (SR2S) Program organizes and supports fun, educational activities that encourage families to walk, bike, carpool, and take transit to school. To get started, check out the simple step-by-step guide below!

recognition program

Step One

First time to the Resource Center? Learn about the program offerings and how to register.


Step Two

Already registered and looking to organize an event or activity? Learn about the services we provide and how to bring them to your school.


Step Three

Each local community has a Task Force where all participating schools are invited to share, get staff assistance and collaborate on activities. Learn about your next local Task Force meeting.

Contact Us

We are here to support you! If you have questions or feedback, reach out to your school’s site coordinator, email us at, or fill out the form below:

Please direct all media inquiries to:

Remy Goldsmith
Principal of Communications and Government Relations
