The National Center for Safe Routes to School, in partnership with the FIA Foundation and the Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center, announces a call for applications for the 2020 Vision Zero for Youth USA Leadership Award. The award recognizes communities in the United States that are leading the way in prioritizing children’s safety in an effort to eliminate traffic fatalities and serious injuries for all road users.
Vision Zero for Youth shines a spotlight on youth road safety, recognizing the unique needs of this population within the transportation system. It recognizes that initiatives that start with youth can help be the catalyst for political will and public support necessary for improving safety for all road users.
Communities of all sizes taking steps to create safe places for children and youth to walk and bike are encouraged to apply. While some communities integrate Vision Zero for Youth within Vision Zero efforts or broader safety plans, it is not necessary for applicant communities to have a Vision Zero plan. Applicant communities should be able to provide information about at least two of the following:
– Changes in design/speed in places where children walk and bike
– Reductions in deaths and injuries or changes in vehicle speeds along those corridors
– Work with community to create support for traffic calming measures that began with a focus on child pedestrians and/or bicyclists
– Establishment of policies that benefit child pedestrians or bicyclists
– Vision Zero plan with strategies beyond education that focus on children and youth
– Multi-sector partnerships that share a priority for child safety (does not have to be the only priority)
– Evidence of public and/or political support for child pedestrian and bicyclist safety
Award recipients will be featured in a news release, case studies and newsletter articles. The National Center for Safe Routes to School will seek conference presentations and webinar opportunities to feature the recipients as speakers.
See the Vision Zero for Youth website for application criteria and submission process. Applications are due by December 8, 2019 with selection made in January 2020.