Program Evaluation
In 2017, the Alameda County Transportation Commission, our funding and administering agency, adopted seven goals that guide the implementation of the SR2S Program. Goal 6 requires us to conduct an evaluation of the program at the school level to ensure that it strives for continuous improvement, as well as to actively monitor program impact. The 2019 Program Evaluation Report is the first of these efforts. The report includes a robust analysis of the program’s growth, impact, and plans for the future.
Click the link below to read the report and its appendices. If you are interested in the data, please send a request to info@alamedacountysr2s.org.
2019 Program Evaluation Report
- Appendix A — School Participation Matrix
- Appendix B — Mode Shift Methodology and Analysis Detail
- Appendix C — Safety Findings Methodology and Analysis Detail
- Appendix D — Qualitative Feedback
- Appendix E — Evaluation Framework
- Appendix F — Data Collection Instruments
- Appendix G — Detailed Recommendations
- Appendix H — Access Safe Routes Pilot Program Evaluation