Pedestrian Safety Workshops

Pedestrian Safety Workshops are available both in person and online.


In-Person Pedestrian Safety Workshops

While in-person workshops aren’t an option during Shelter-in-Place, we hope they’ll return soon. Here’s how they work:

Alameda County Safe Routes to Schools offers interactive and hands-on pedestrian safety training to public schools in Alameda County—absolutely free-of-charge! We offer both pedestrian rodeos (outdoors) and workshops (indoors).

In this assembly-style presentation, students will learn safe, lawful pedestrian behavior using our simulated city street course. During each session, our instructors review traffic signs and signals, pedestrian safety practices and potential dangers while on the road. A handful of students are picked at random to demonstrate safe pedestrian behaviors.

Sessions are 30 minutes and can accommodate one to two classrooms per session, depending on the size of the space provided. Multiple sessions can be held throughout the day. This format allows the entire student body to participate in the workshop on the same day!

The eligibility requirements for schools are:

  • A minimum of 30 students (we work in groups of 30-35 students for 30 minutes per group)
  • School staff supervision
  • Available multi-purpose room, auditorium or cafeteria area of at least 100 by 50 feet

This activity is best suited for elementary schools. There is limited availability for middle schools.

To schedule a Pedestrian Safety Workshop for your school, please use the request form on the right or contact your school’s site coordinator. If you have questions, please email us at


Virtual Pedestrian Rodeos

In these interactive online presentations, students learn about how they would make their way through real-life traffic, learning traffic safety and lawful pedestrian behavior along the way. Students learn traffic signs and signals, pedestrian safety practices, how to cross the street safely, how to recognize and avoid hazards, and the laws governing pedestrians, as well as the environmental, financial and physical advantages to walking. The presentations are ideally grouped per the following grade levels: K-2 with parents, grades 3-4, and grades 5-6. Please note that while the in-person Pedestrian Safety Workshop and the in-person Pedestrian Rodeo provide different learning experiences, the virtual forms of these programs are identical in content.

Presentation details:

  • Session length: 30 minutes
  • Number of students/classes that can be accommodated at once: One classroom
  • Number of classes that can be booked at one school per day: Six presentations per school per day
  • Active movement component?: Optional
  • Technology requirements: Zoom or school’s preferred technology
  • Other: One helmet prize will be included for each presentation booked; one winner will be chosen from each presentation